About Us

Cavy Agrotronics is started in the year 2019 with two people having a strong desire to do something which will bring ease use of electronic (embedded product) in the field of agriculture. Now a day’s use of electronic (embedded product) in the field of agriculture is widely increasing.  Farming can be done using various technologies to yield higher growth of the crop and their more production. Smart design of microcontroller based monitoring for agriculture played vital role in countries development.

Application of IoT (Internet of Things ) is growing in the field of agriculture for remote farming . Smart microcontroller based monitoring and control system for farming effectively reduces cost of production in agriculture due to reduced man power required for the production agriculture product. So Cavy Agrotronics has started CavyIoT service to meet demand of time.

Cavy Agrotronics continues to develop technologies to create a society where real-world platforms and services are connected with the internet, thereby providing the farming businesses with more excellent value. The company's focus is to help farmers capitalize on technology's importance to yield higher growth of the crop and their more production. 

The concept of  precision farming is based on observing, measuring and responding to inter and intra-field variability in crops. Plant production is oriented towards identifiable units of land that are not exclusively based on property lines or on the expected average crop yield of a given field but on local and ecological conditions. The new technologies enable farmers to manage their fields based on the spatial variability of variables such as the availability of nutrients and expected crop yield. To a much greater extent than before, plant protection is guided by the pressure to avoid damage and economic efficiency. The precision farming method involves measures of small-scale soil cultivation, sowing, fertilization, application of pesticides and other operations.

Our IoT based Agriculture monitoring and control system makes use of wireless sensor networks that collects data from different sensors deployed at various nodes and sends it through the internet to CavyIoT server. Our client/farmer can monitor the live sensor data and send control signal through control panel accessible from anywhere in the world using internet browser.

Cavy Agrotronics has an exceptional solution for various fields, which will make their work easy and less complicated. The company provides more than hardware and software solutions, and it has the in-house expertise to guide customers through their entire IoT business journey. These services and solutions are open-source IoT platform, enterprise IoT, PaaS, SaaS, IaaS, industrial IoT solution, agriculture IoT solution, RAS (Recirculation Aquaculture System), hydroponics, aeroponics, smart warehouse solutions, and customized IoT solutions, respectively. CavyIoT is clients' partner throughout the consult, develop and deployment of the IoT ecosystem.

We belive that the “Knowledge is Power” adage is long dead as the new reality of the workforce has taught us that sharing knowledge is beneficial to everybody. CavyIoT has released  CavyIoT HTTP RESTful APIs for developers to develop and deploy a powerful IoT system/application to the end user. Simple HTTP RESTful APIs and interfacing API architecture makes more easy for developers in development process. For developers, CavyIoT is one of the topmost open-source IoT platform. It facilitates sensor logging applications, location tracking applications, and a social network of things with status updates. This service allows end-users to control, visualize and analyze live data streams in the cloud. The platform collects and stores sensor data in the cloud and develops IoT applications. It fully supports a range of development boards like Arduino, ESP8266, BeagleBone, and Pi.

The aim of CavyIoT is to minimize the efforts of IoT developers by deploying powerful IoT systems and providing them all the resources in some better ways. To do so, we offer trigger mechanism, wireless sensors, bi-directional communication between cloud and IoT devices, low latency with high volume of data, dynamic dashboard for multiple devices, powerful APIs, device log files, auto/manual modes of working, and live device status and so on.

Our APIs for IoT system developers help extend the application fields and build applications upon client ideas. Moreover, in the future, the company aims to provide an environment to develop a neural network for the automation and hope it will play an essential role in making climate recipe for the agricultural products, RAS, etc. to achieve the desired goal quality-based products.

In today's world , there is technological solution for mostly everything we have come up with a unique solution to variety of fields which will make their work easy and less complex. CavyIoT is a reliable Iot solution which is suitable for every field where automation is needed.